Vue Diagram Editor component


The main purpose of this component is to make it possible to use any component within each node of the diagram.

Vue Diagram Editor features:

  • scoped-slot for node
  • ripple (pulsable) node
  • any number of instances per page
  • customizable node color
  • customizable node pulse color

Special thanks to the author of the gwenaelp/vue-diagrams package.

Getting Started

It's recommended to install vue-diagram-editor via npm, and build your app using a bundler like webpack.

Requires Vue 2.6+

Simple example

If you just don't want to use webpack or any other bundlers, you can simply include the standalone UMD build in your page. In this way, make sure Vue as a dependency is included before vue-diagram-editor.

Data structure

The data structure of the Vue-Diagram-Editor has 2 main entities - Node and Link. The Vue-Diagram-Editor has the following data structure:



Prop Req... Default Description
id no generated ulid identifier Unique identifier of node
title yes - Title of node
coordinates no { x:10, y:10 } Node coordinates object. Must contain this two numerical properties: x and y
size no { width:150, height:150 } Node size object. Must contain this two numerical properties: width and height
portsIn no {} The node's incoming ports object. Object keys are port names and values are port headers
portsOut no {} The node's outgoing ports object. Object keys are port names and values are port headers
data no {} Custom data object. May be useful when handling events
Prop Req... Type/Default Description
id no Type: String
Default: generated ulid identifier
Unique identifier of link
start_id yes Type: String
No default value
ID of the node from which this link starts
start_port no Type: String
Default: "default"
The name of the outgoing port of the node from which this link begins
end_id yes Type: String
No default value
ID of the node where this link ends
end_port no Type: String
Default: "default"
The name of the incoming port of the node where this link ends


Name Type / Default Description
Type: Number
Default: 500
Block height with Vue-Diagram-Editor
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Allows to scale the diagram
Type: Function: String
Default: node => "#66cc00"
The function takes object of Node as parameter and must return a string with a hexadecimal color representation. Avoid heavy computation in this function
Type: Function: Boolean
Default: node => true
Shows or hides the delete node button
Type: Function: Boolean
Default: node => false
Enables or disables the ripple of a specific node. Avoid heavy computation in this function
Type: Function: String
Default: node => "#f00"
Determines the color of the node's ripple (in the case when nodePulsable returns true). Avoid heavy computation in this function
Type: Function: Boolean
Default: node => true
In the case when the node is deletable, it is executed immediately before deleting. If the function returns false, the node is not deleted. Avoid heavy computation in this function
Type: Function: Boolean
Default: link => true
Executed immediately before the link is removed. If the function returns false, the link is not removed. Avoid heavy computation in this function
Type: Function: Boolean
({id,type,port}) => false
Determines if the port is blocked for communication. If the port is disabled, you will not be able to create a new link or click on it. Accepts an object with properties:
id - node identifier,
type - port type (in or out),
port - port name
Type: Function: Boolean
({id,type,port,activePort}) => true
This function is executed at the moment of hovering to the port when a new link is creating. Accepts an object with properties:
id - node identifier,
type - port type (in or out),
port - port name
activePort - Object with the data of the starting port of the link being created
Type: Boolean
Default: true
Stops handling native events


Name Params Return Description
model.nodes - Array or collection of node structure objects
model.links - Array or collection of link structure objects
void The method completely re-initializes the diagram model
serialize() - {nodes:[{...},{...}], links:[{...}]} Method returns an object with arrays of nodes and links
addNode(node) node - node structure object void Method new node to the diagram model
addLink(link) link - link structure object void Method new link to the diagram model
updateNode(params) node ID node property name
params.value node property value
void Update root property of node
deleteNode(id) id - node ID void the method simulates a click on the button to delete a node
deleteLink(id) id - link ID void the method lowers the deletion of the link.
enableDblClickZoom() - void see
disableDblClickZoom() - void see
isDblClickZoomEnabled() - Boolean see
enableMouseWheelZoom() - void see
disableMouseWheelZoom() - void see
isMouseWheelZoomEnabled() - Boolean see
resetZoom() - void see
updateBBox() - void see
fit() - void see
contain() - void see
center() - void see


Name Data Description
select-node nodeId When a node is selected, an event with the node identifier is emitted
deleted-node nodeId When deleting a node, an event with the node identifier is emitted
deleted-link linkId When deleting a link, an event with the identifier of the deleted link is emitted
updated-node Node Updated node object
click-port The event is emitted when a port is clicked. The event sends an object with a node identifier (id), port type (in or out) and port name
created-link Link The event is emitted after creating a new link


Name Props Description
node {node,width,height} Yes, every node can have any view component! Slot scoped params:
node - Node
width - content part width
height - content part height

Contributing Vue Diagram Editor

Best way to contribute is to create a pull request. In order to create a pull request:

  • Fork this repository
  • Clone repository fork (created in previous step) locally (on your machine)
  • Ensure that you have nodejs and npm installed locally
  • In console:
  • cd into project folder
  • npm install && npm run dev
  • After change is done lint project npm run lint
  • Commit only meaningful changes. Do not commit distribution files (dist folder). Distribution files are built only before a release
  • Push your changes into your fork
  • Create a pull request